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Last Update: 16/06/2021


The Player’s complaint shall be submitted no later than forty-eight (48) hours fr om the day the incident took place.

The Operator examines what is reported in the complaint and, in any case, notifies the person who submitted the complaint in respect to what is reported in his complaint within ten (10) days from its submission.

If the Operator’s reply does not satisfy the person who submitted the complaint, they may request, within ten (10) days from the day following the day that they were notified of the Operator’s reply, that their complaint is reviewed by the HGC. The application for reviewing the complaint must be notified to the Operator, who shall immediately send to the HGC the information relevant to the complaint.

They must ensure that an electronic message is sent to the complainant’s e-mail address immediately after the complaint submission, informing the complainant that his complaint has been registered, indicating the unique code with which the complaint has been registered in the CIS and the time of its submission.

They must ensure that the player has the right to submit any complaint or disagreement, on issues or events related to the conducted games and / or related transactions by completing the uploaded complaint form.

They must inform the player that, according to the Regulation, the complaint is submitted no later than forty eight (48) hours from the day following the date of the event. However, in special cases wh ere the complaint has sufficient evidence to be considered valid, the deadline for its submission does not exclude the Holder’s obligation to investigate it.

They must inform the player that in case the answer of the License Holder does not satisfy him, he may request the investigation of the complaint by the H.G.C., within ten (10) days from the day following the notification to him of the Licensee’s reply. They also inform him that this notification must be reported to the Holder, in order for him to forward to the H.G.C. the data related to the complaint immediately.

They must ensure that players can file complaints and reports 24 hours a day, 7 days a week (24/7).

They must ensure that the player can monitor the management and processing stages of his complaint (submission, processing stages, departments / processing units, final answer to the reported issues).

They must inform the player that Licensee has the right not to respond to completely vague complaints or complaints that are repeated in an abusive manner.

They must ensure that the communication with the complainant is executed in a timely and valid manner, with the completeness required for the case and in a gentle and constructive manner.

They do not disclose to the complainant data and information for which they have a confidentiality and/or privacy obligation in accordance with the legal provisions.

The verification of the exact time of the complaint’s submission derives from the time stamp (date and time of submission) attached with the submission of the complaint to the CIS.

Complaint Form

The complaint form shall be uploaded to the License Holder’s website and shall include the following:

  • Name, surname and father’s name.
  • Date of birth.
  • Valid ID Card Number or Passport Number or other equivalent document.
  • Full address of permanent residence (Street, number, Municipality, Postal Code).
  • Personal email address and desired method of sending the reply.
  • Brief description of the reported incidents.

The complaint must be accompanied by a copy of an Identity Card or Passport or other equivalent identification document.

The complaint briefly describes the events that took place, the time that they took place, the reasons for submission, as well as all relevant information.

The License Holder shall be able to accept the submission of any accompanying documents in widely used formats such as bmp, .doc, .docx, .jpg, .odt, .ods, .odp, .pdf, .png, .pps, .ppsx, .ppt, .pptx, .txt, .xls, .xlsx.

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